Connection Night

Are you looking for ways to connect, serve, and grow here at Harvest? Our Connection Night serves as the starting point to understand the heart and vision of our church and how easy it is for you to get connected in our community and to empower your God-given gifts!  

Please RSVP to our next Connection Night by filling out this simple online invitation.  

The next Connection Night will be held on:
October 27th at 5:00 pm in the Dream Team Hub.


What is Discipleship Evangelism?

The Lord calls us to make disciples. The name “Disciple” or “disciples,” in the Bible refers to those who truly believed in Jesus. The Lord intended for each of us to produce disciples and being a disciple is God’s plan for every Christian including YOU.

Do you want to fulfill the Great Commission but wonder how? Then explore the Discipleship Evangelism course. This weekly 90-minute study will equip you to grow in your faith and impact others with the life-changing power of God's Word.

Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations." - Matthew 28:19

Like many believers, you may be thinking, I have no idea how to disciple anyone. You may feel unprepared or inadequate in fulfilling that command. If you do, there is good news for you: If you can understand a few basis concepts, you can change a life!  Your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers need you. They may not know it, but you have the answers to the most important questions in their lives. All you've needed is the right tool. This tool has been designed so that anyone, at anytime, anywhere can reach an unbeliever, disciple a new believer, or grow with others in the Lord.

This 16-week group study is taken from Andrew Wommack’s full study guide called The Complete Discipleship Evangelism 48-Lesson Course. These simple topics will take you through the foundational truths of Christianity. It’s simple, it’s easy, and it’s effective.
All you do is read a short story, ask prepared questions, discuss the answers with the group by looking up scriptures (provided on the weekly handouts or review in your own Bible), and then watch God work in your life and  the life of people around you. Start unlocking the power of God's Word in every area of your life.

The Discipleship Evangelism Bible Study is designed so that anyone, at anytime, anywhere can reach an unbeliever, study with others, or grow in their own personal relationship with the Lord.
Topics covered in this course include:

Eternal Life
Salvation by Grace
Righteousness by Grace
Relationship with God
The Nature of God
Water Baptism
Identity in Christ - Part 1
Identity in Christ - Part 2
What Happens When a Christian Sins
Integrity of God’s Word
God’s Not Guilty
The Power of a Spirit-Filled Life
How to Receive the Holy Spirit
The Benefits of Speaking in Tongues

Discipleship is a lifelong journey.
This course is for you if you:
- Are a new believer
- Are new to Christianity
- Were recently baptized, (in the past 2 years)
- If you are not confident talking to others about Jesus Christ
- Have never explored Discipleship before
- Are a life-long follower of Christ or mature Christian, and desire to mentor others and share your knowledge and experiences as an experienced Disciple.
- Are feeling called to lead others closer to Christ (consider participating in this class so you can lead it next time)
- If you have friends whom you’d like to help them explore Christianity, sign up yourself and bring them.
- Want to meet new people and make new friends.

There is always something new to glean from the living Word of the Lord.

There is no childcare provided.

Our Spring Classes on Discipleship will be starting back up the week of September 9th.

Debra Oliver
Pablo Paz

Check out all the LIFE GROUPS At Harvest!

These are the fundamental pillars that construct HC Life.  Our life groups are the heartbeat of Harvest Church and they exist so that every person that visits or attends can find some unique way to get connected, to serve, and to grow.  Whether you are looking for bible studies, fun activities, volunteer opportunities, or discipleships that encourage and strengthen our relationships, we whole-heartedly believe there is a place for you!
4th Man in the Fire (Recovery LifeGroup)
Our mission is to meet people at the fires in their lives in real time.  Through working the twelve steps, together we'll achieve victories and a deep-rooted foundation and relationship with Jesus.  
When:  Thursday nights 6:00-7:30pm
Where:  Student Center Lobby
Leaders:  Sylvia DeAnda // 623-552-0545 • Kevin O’Brien // 623-889-1876 • Anastacia Smith // 480-851-9323

Anna Ministry
A time where women come together for worship and diving deep into God’s word, all while enjoying delicious meals and fellowship.  
When: 1st Saturday of the month at 12:00pm
Where:  Student Center Lobby
Leader:  Maria Higginbotham // 714-307-2766 //

Adult Adaptive Bible Class (AABC)
When:  Sundays between services at 10:15am
Where: Student Center Room 2
Leader:  Cathy Wolcott // 623-878-2741 //

Co-ed Softball
Join the Harvest Blues this fall as we compete in the city of Peoria’s adult league.
When:  Friday nights starting in September 2024
Where:  Rio Vista Park (101 and Thunderbird)
Leader: Nate Rockwell // 623-866-8823 //

Crew Young Adults
Designed to build relationships with young adults (ages 18-29).
When: 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month at 6pm
Where:  Student Center
Leaders:  Miguel and Janeth Alvarez // 623-707-5643 //

Finding You
A powerful bible study and guided course to help women find freedom, healing, and identity after sexual trauma.
When: Wednesdays at 5:30-7:00pm
Where: Church Offices
Leader: Candice Rockwell // 954-812-0184 //

If you enjoy arts, crafts, and games mixed with fellowship, prayer, and encouraging devotionals, then this is the group for you.
When: 2nd and 4th Tuesday nights at 6:30pm
Where: 12407 N La Paloma Ct. Sun City, AZ
Leader:  Charlotte Saben // 623-640-1617 //

Grace Golf
Hit the links for fun, fellowship, and year-round golf.  The beauty of Grace Golf is you can’t score worse than bogey!
When: Tuesdays 1:30pm
Where: Location varies (courses in the west valley)
Leaders: Larry Valenzuela // 623-670-8523 • Ron Rockwell // 623-330-1267

Grief Share
This is a safe, welcoming support LifeGroup to help you move through the grief process and understand the difficult emotions of grief.
When: Monday nights 6:00pm
Where: Worship Center Prayer Room
Leader: Mary Ellen Hawks // 623-695-8815

Hands and Feet Ministry
This ministry started over 10 years ago. We would make sandwiches, grab some water, and go to different parks. As this progressed, many other organizations stayed at the parks, so the next step would be to go as Jesus did. We went on the highways and byways of the cities. We prayed for God to show us where they are and bring us to them. Behind buildings, fences, and corners. We fed them, gave clothes , and prayed with and for them. We loved them as only Jesus would. That's where the name Hands and Feet ministry developed.
Leaders: Terry Lacek // 623-205-0453
Maria Hawkins // 602-904-1837

Harvest Riders
Motorcycle enthusiast? join us for a ride around the scenic Arizona roads!
When:  1st Saturday of month, exact times are weather-dependent
Where: Starts at Harvest Church parking lot
Leader: Bill Marks // 602-377-1939

Heart to Heart
For ages 40+.  This home fellowship group is a place to make new friends, grow in faith, and share life through testimony and prayer.  
When: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 5:00pm
Where: 12407 N La Paloma Ct. Sun City, AZ
Leaders: Steve and Charlotte Saben 623-210-8739 // 623-640-1617

Hymn Line Dancing
Love to dance?  Join us for fun and fellowship while line-dancing to Christian music.
When: Mondays at 10:00am
Where: Sun Air Estates Recreation Center // 9620 W Brown St. Peoria, AZ 85345
Leader: Linda Dreifuerst // 623-606-7946 //

Weekly men’s fellowship through bible studies, prayer, and discussion of the issues our men face today.  Don’t miss the 3rd Saturday of the month…an incredible buffet breakfast!
When:  Saturdays 8:00am
Where:  Student Center
Leader: Ron Gutierrez // 602-663-7794 //

Prayer and Fellowship
Come hungry for food and the Word as this on-campus fellowship LifeGroup comes together faithfully every Friday night.
When:  Fridays 6:30pm
Where: 1st and 3rd Friday in Student Center • 2nd and 4th Friday in Worship Center Lobby
Leader: Jerry and Emily Angel // 623-776-5518 //

Interceding in prayer for our church, families, and community.
When: Mondays 6:00pm
Where: Worship Center Sanctuary
Leaders: Melinda Dickens // 623-217-0528 • Vera Duffy // 623-866-3896

Prayers for Prodigals
A prayer and book-study LifeGroup based on James Banks’ powerful book Praying for Prodigals.
When: Tuesday mornings from 10:00am-12:00pm
Where: Student Center Room #2
Leader: Cathy Wolcott // 623-878-2714

A LifeGroup for women geared towards bible study and fellowship; currently working through a book study on the 12 Women of the Bible.
When: Thursdays at 10:00am (weekly)
Where: Worship Center Prayer Room
Leader:  Mary Ellen Hawks // 623-695-8815

Scott and Rhoda’s Recap
A home fellowship LifeGroup centered around putting Sunday’s message to work in our daily lives.
When: Sunday nights at 5:00pm
Where: 10019 W Cumberland Dr. Sun City, AZ 85351
Leaders: Scott and Rhoda Sherman // 253-414-4664

The Senior Ambassadors
An adventurous senior fellowship group for single 
women over 65.
When: 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month from 11:30am-2:00pm
Where: Location varies between homes, restaurants, and rec centers
Leader: Jan Duff // 623-308-5493

Thrive Senior Adults & Hymn Sing
Enjoy fellowship, music, God’s Word, and great food at either of our senior adult ministry gatherings.
When: Hymn Sing is every 3rd Saturday at 5:30pm // Thrive is every last Sunday at 6:00pm
Where: Student Center
Leaders: Kevin O’Brien // 623-889-1876 • Mary Taylor // 623-937-1252

Upper Room
Learning and growing in the Holy Spirt while understanding how the Holy Spirit works in our lives.
When: 2nd and 4th Sundays at 5:00pm
Where: 17427 W Bajada Rd. Surprise, AZ
Leaders: Phil LaPorta // 703-297-6540 //
For information on joining or hosting a life group, please contact
Nate Rockwell at 623-866-8823 or



WATER BAPTISM CLASS (REQUIRED) March 23rd, 2025 at 10:30 am.

The last day to sign up for water baptism is Friday, March 21st.

What is baptism?
Baptism is an outward expression of an inward commitment made to Christ.
Baptism does not make you a believer - it shows that you already believe.
Baptism does not "save" you, only your faith in Christ does. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Baptism does not wash away your sins, it symbolizes that Christ washed them away. Baptism is like a wedding ring, it's the outward expression of the commitment you have made in your heart.

Why should I be baptized?
To follow Christ's example. (Mark 1:9)
To obey Christ's command. (Matthew 28:19-20)
To show you are a Christ-follower. (Acts 18:8, 1 John 2:3, Matthew 10:32)
To identify with Christ's death, burial and resurrection. (Romans 6:3-5)
To illustrate your new life in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 6:4)
Your baptism is a public testimony of your faith in and commitment to Christ.

How should I be baptized?
The biblical examples of baptism were done by immersion or being submerged briefly under water. Jesus Himself was baptized by immersion according to Matthew 3:16.
Immersion best symbolizes death and new life which is the imagery of baptism. In Romans 6:3-5 we find that baptism is symbolic of death, burial and resurrection.
When should I be baptized?
After you give your life to Christ. (Acts 2:38, Acts 35-38) As soon as you have given your life to Christ and have received Him as your Savior, you can and should be baptized.
At what age is a child ready to be baptized?
The Bible gives no age for when a child is ready to be baptized. For baptism to be a meaningful experience and expression of faith, its significance should be understood. Our desire is for a child to understand this important step of baptism in his/her life.
In child development, typically when children reach the age of 8 or 9, they gain the ability to understand abstract concepts. That being said, each baptism should be determined on a child-by-child basis and we ask that parents and child(ren) meet with Nate Rockwell, our Harvest Kids Ministry Director, prior to attend the Pre-Celebration class.
What takes place at a baptism?
At the beginning of a baptism service the pastor will pray and then briefly explain the meaning of baptism. One of the pastors will introduce you and the other participants and share a brief description of your testimony. When it is your turn to be baptized, you will get into the water and walk to the end of the baptismal tank. The pastor baptizing you will say, "I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." The person baptizing you will briefly lower you backwards under the water and then raise you back up. You can then leave, towel off, change clothes and/or watch others being baptized.

What if I have special needs? 
Baptism is a public profession of our faith in Jesus Christ. However, private baptism can be performed in special circumstances. Please contact us for more information or details.

Ready To Get Baptized? 
For those who desire to be baptized, the following information is provided to prepare you for this very meaningful step of faith. First, you need to sign up. Once you sign up, we will contact you to ask some questions, hear your story, invite you to our Pre-Celebration class (required in order to be baptized) and give you a few instructions about baptism. We conduct baptisms on Sunday morning about once a quarter.

Child Dedication

The next Child Dedication will be on November 17th, 2024 at the 11am service.

If you would like to have your child dedicated at Harvest Church please fill out the form below.